Monday, August 3, 2009

Time for Phase 2!

So I have made it through Phase 1. I Started Phase 1 at 158.6, and now I am 152.6. I lost 6 pounds in the 2 weeks of Phase 1! I even made it 2 weekends at the lake without cheating! I am excited to move on to Phase 2 and to add in some good carbs and fruit! I went to the store this weekend and stocked up on Whole Wheat Pasta, Whole Wheat Bread, peaches, apples, and oatmeal. I'm thinking we will have Spaghetti tonight with Whole Wheat Pasta. I think I will also have a peach with my lunch. This morning I will stick to the eggs for breakfast and save the new stuff for lunch and dinner.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 9 Begins...

I'm still doing great. I'm seriously not craving anything that I can't have. This morning I weighed......153!!! I've lost 5.6 pounds so far. Only 18 more to go to my "goal".

I wanted to share this other Blog
with you. It has a lot of South Beach Diet recipes on it. On the left you can find the South Beach Recipes. My friend Beth
found it when she started the diet. She is on Day 2, and has lost 3lbs already!!! Way to go Beth!

Buffalo Chicken Salad Recipe

Baked Buffalo Chicken

10 boneless, skinless chicken breast tenderloins
1/4 c. hot sauce
1 T. white vinegar
1 T. butter melted
1 t. celery seeds
1/8 t. black pepper

Mix above ingredients, and marinate chicken for about 30 minutes. Bake @400 for 20 minutes. Cut up in to bite sized pieces and put on salad. Use regular bleu cheese dressing. NOT FAT FREE, they add carbs when they take out the fat. This is enough chicken for 5 salads. I refridgerate what I don't use and save for salads later in the week.
Sunday 7/24/09

Day 7

Weight 154.6 total loss so far.....4lbs.

I have been on the diet for a week now. Yesterday was a day I knew would be challenging. we spent the entire day at the lake. I did great! I haven't cheated at all. We even went to dinner, and I had a buffalo chicken salad with bleu cheese dressing. It was SO good!!! Mt new favorite I think!

And so it begins!

It's time for a change! I've done Weight Watchers for a while, but when I stopped nursing my third child it just wasn't working for me anymore. I decided after talking to some friends that have done the South Beach Diet that I would give it a try. A friend let me borrow here book, and I did quite a bit of research online before starting.

Day 1 7/20/09

I'm starting out at 158.6. i was 164 at my heavest a couple months ago. I did get down to 146 last summer while nursing and doing Weight Watchers.

I'm sure I will starve, but I can' do this....I am such a carb-aholic I'm not sure how difficult this will be. Not to mention I LOVE chocolate. It's only 2 weeks of hell before adding a little carbs back right? Surely I can just try and see how it goes.

Day 2 7/21/09

So, Day 1 went great! I wasn't hungry at all! I snacked on almonds and cheese between meals so I wouldn't get hungry. This morning I weighed....and I am 157.4! It's already working!

Day 3 7/22/09

Yesterday went well. I did get a headache though. I got a little jittery feeling in the afternoon too. I had a spoon of peanut butter, and it helped. This morning I weighed and I am 156.8. I have lost 1.8 lbs in 2 days!

Day 4 7/23/09

I had another headache today and yesterday. I am never hungry though, and I am not craving anything at all. Things seem to be going really well!